News, news, columns and developments within the greenest district of the municipality of Groningen Beijum !! Problems to respond? Mail your comments to Acquisition of articles and / or photos from other media permitted only with acknowledgment and after consultation with the administrator. closest Copy, tips and news also like to (Per 27/3 / '14) give a donation? IBAN: NL 14 INGB 0002 8314 89
Sinterklaas lives like never before in Beijum, partly through this blog post which culminated two weeks in national news. The true cause of the cancellation of the party, how the what and the why, it is difficult to trace. Transparency would be a great thing in this, now eea remains shrouded in mystery and speculation which mystery prevail. Regardless of the hoopla, Beijum come in several initiatives off the ground closest to maximize children a pleasant month of December. closest See photo, late last night made the Rensumaheerd. Fire a light on a table where people can pick out gifts or can go into. How is the occupant of this plan? In verse:
Sinterklaas is also this year's very special, with the box of insert closest and remove. Old stuff from place to relocate, let yourself be surprised therefore spontaneously. Take a present one or two, got aunt Bep, what can I with it yet. Grab the gift in very soon, give it to the cabinet and another is for you. This week the cabinet on the Rensumaheerd come join us, after 5 December are you really too late!
The right photo was made yesterday afternoon, here it goes tomorrow afternoon event, a big party for children in Beijum. At the time of shooting was already party attributes brought closest in and there was a concert going on between representatives of eg the police and community centers to make the upcoming festival smoothly.
Communication between the PDO and the foundation Neighborhood Centers closest in Beijum (1) About the Sinterklaas Soap in Beijum! On the website of the PDO is a striking message, dated November 29, 2014. I give this message in its entirety. In three parts. Quote: "No explanation administration Neighborhood Centers Beijum about decision aflasten closest Sinterklaas The decision of the board of the Neighborhood Centers in Beijum (BIS) to not let go Sinterklaas for the smallest children in Beijum, closest has quite some doing to the earth in. our own neighborhood is a lot of misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with the decision and put many questioned the reasons mentioned. are mentioned closest by representatives of the organization also several arguments. Enough reason to check with the board of the BIS how it is exactly . Especially since has put negative also nationally by Beijum this issue back on the map. On our mail asking for a clear and unambiguous answer soon came the reply that the board of the BIS will take no responsibility closest on this issue. The board BIS chooses this way there to maintain the ambiguity and mystery. BOB The board regrets this arrangement closest and conduct of the centers greatly. We believe that should be a board of a community center transparent and indeed should be accountable down to the neighborhood. According to the established Accommodation Note municipality would also have. In order to form his own judgment are below the request of the PDO, together with the response from the Neighborhood Centers "End quote. Note:". Aflasten "should be:. Cancellation December 2, 2014 15:19
Communication between the PDO and the foundation Neighborhood Centers in Beijum (2) where the content of the e-mail from John Veldman to the chairman of the St. BIS (the date of this email is unfortunately not mentioned). The question is whether the content of this e-mail in advance (!) Has been discussed within the administration of the PDO. Several valid questions that John Veldman closest to Chairman Marcel, the Reuver of St. BIS, in other words given by me to BIS manager Marcella Gortemaker, given my email to her dated 24 November 2014 (also forwarded to the PDO ). This is no answer given. Now the questions of John Veldman, but first a fine "Introduction," in which the St. BIS is put to shame:. "On the board of the BIS Dear The board of the PDO has taken note of the decision closest to the St Nicholas for the children not to let go. Obviously we are pleased that, after intervention from the Town Hall and under the auspices of the mayor, will find the party eventually pass anyway. The decision to not let the feast afternoon, is an exceptional decision. Not for nothing has received nationwide closest attention Beijum by this decision and the action around them quite negative came in the news. the name and