Friday, December 6, 2013

For light meals and snack in addition to fruit or salads, also do some sandwich bread ovens are oft

Laughter, tears and tablespoon of Vegeta "5 of answers to 100 questions wine refrigerator
We last post, vegans triggered quite a lively debate, but I also get many questions, wine refrigerator to which I promised answers. Before random observers begin to dissect my words, first a disclaimer: lower claims are not a universal wine refrigerator truth and it does not try to be. It is only my opinion and my experience. I will try to tell you everything and anything, because the topic is simply wine refrigerator too extensive for one post. If anyone is interested in anything more but ask and I will try to find the address.
Raw means not-cooked. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and their by-products get everywhere, the final dishes you make yourself. Typical examples of raw food for example green smoothies or soups where the vegetables cook, but miksamo in a strong blenderju. Delicious raw desserts are also usually require slightly wider range of ingredients than classical dessert from eggs, flour and butter. The internet is full of recipes, so at this point it would not be quoted. But I would point out that the transition from veganism wine refrigerator to raw vegan (raw-vegan) in my opinion, more than just a transition to veganism. This kind of diet is much more restrictive and unlike veganism requires, in my view, a lot of discipline. Experience firsthand exclusively raw diet for the time being I do not have. Otherwise, there are already cafes and pastry shops that offer raw desserts and smoothies.
Everything you need! Vegans buy in normal shops. The specialist buy here and there what these super-food, but for vegans is nothing more urgent than for omnivores. wine refrigerator A vegan diet is not as complicated as you would anyone think of any major store (Spar, Mercator, Leclerc ...) has the majority of the ingredients that we use for cooking. Affordable, contrary wine refrigerator to popular belief, such a diet is more advantageous, since it is based on grains, legumes, fruits wine refrigerator and vegetables.
It is not a science - eating the same as before, except that the menu retreat from milk, eggs, meat and (if necessary) change the herbal remedies. It may be best to quickly introduce wine refrigerator your menu. Today I ate barley soup for lunch (cooked without meat), couscous with zucchini yesterday, the day before quinoa (grain) with vegetable sauce, even before wholemeal pasta with seitanom (wheat meat, you get it in any supermarket). For breakfast you almost every morning wine refrigerator I make a smoothie, if the so-called "green smoothie" - mix a few fruits (today, for example, 1/2 apple, wine refrigerator 1/2 banana, 3 plums) and a handful of greens (anything green - lettuce, lamb's lettuce, young spinach, leaves of kale, chard), a glass of water and a few ice cubes - you get half a liter of delicious, healthy, refreshing and nutritious drink. For dinner, you often do you go, for example, or oatmeal, cooked in rice or soy milk. All milk is a little different, you can always ProBase something new. Coconut, almond, hazelnut ... Milk capable of doing it myself. Zmiksaš nuts, add water, a tablespoon agave syrup precediš and you've got a vegetable milk excellent taste.
For light meals and snack in addition to fruit or salads, also do some sandwich bread ovens are often alone, but not necessarily. Most bakers eggs, butter or whey does not add. Spreads buy Mercator, have excellent Hofer (soy, hummus, made from beans, tomatoes, whole line have), I do it myself - the basis for the mix chick peas or beans, seitan or tofu or a combination of all. Spice up and get a spread in which each omnivore can licks his fingers.
If we ultimately fits junk at fuzbalu for example, open any Smoki, chips, sticks, pretzels ... but before the first purchase I read the ingredients. Everywhere also get various substitutes - mayonnaise, chocolate spreads, ice creams, rice or soy ... All you got what you wish, today, this is really wine refrigerator not a problem. wine refrigerator
This is not necessarily true. The first two weeks, maybe a little chasing, then eat more quality than before. That was the case with me. If you previously stronger, you're in the transition to a healthy and balanced vegan diet definitely wine refrigerator lost kilažo if you only change the type of food and you do not reduce caloric intake, of course, you can not lose weight. And yes, there are fat vegans why not. It also can Bases of bread, pasta, cereal, potatoes ... I personally am eight months keep the same weight and the same muscle mass without animal intake, even though I secretly hoped that kaka hernia evaporate. However, some are vegans, fasting or eating strong enough. But in veganstvu per se sufficient caloric intake should not be a problem.
Easily. After the decommissioning of the proteins wine refrigerator degrade amino acids and the body is at this point does not matter where he got them - from a pig or plants. The only thing that we get from animals and can not be derived from plants, saturated fat, the main culprit for the majority of diseases in the western world. Plants contain all esecialne fatty acids! Also, I was full of doubts at the beginning, I considered grams of protein, wine refrigerator and the like. Nonsense! The plant food periods

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