Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lack of protein is seen repeatedly with external signs that we see as shortcomings: growth retardat

These ingredients are, of course, different. Above all, they are substances created by the plant in their bodies don t look under the bed and are used in the development. Apart from carbohydrates and vegetable fats contain a variety of plants including acids, don t look under the bed tannins, resins, pleasant smelling volatile oils, various fruit acids, salts, leaf green, antocij ane (colors), cellulose, gums, mucilage, glycosides, alkaloids, saponins, vitamins, of yeast (ferments) and other substances.
The value of medicinal plants valued according to how much material we have to be valuable and useful, the plant has in his works, especially when it is dried. The more of these substances, the greater the value. Only in proper harvesting, drying don t look under the bed and storage of these substances are more or less maintained, and also on the proper harvesting, drying and storage depends on success.
In addition to water, it is in plants, 60 to 90 percent - in the aquatic plants up to 98 per cent - plants have a maximum of carbohydrates and protein. don t look under the bed Proteins are an integral part of living matter, protoplasm. They consist don t look under the bed of an amino acid, the latter is made of carbon, nitrogen, don t look under the bed hydrogen, oxygen, and some of the sulfur.
Our body needs for growth and development of the food, which is mainly composed of fat, protein and carbohydrate. Proper composite food should contain the calories: 15 to 20 percent of the calories in protein, 20 percent fat and calories in the 60 to 65 percent of the calories in carbohydrates.
In the human protein are also the most important because it involved not only as food for internal combustion, as we say, but especially in restoring blood cell and plasma don t look under the bed cell nucleus, further to regenerate the skin and its projections (hair, nails, hair), and the like. Proteins are also an integral part of a wide range of Quassin, don t look under the bed ferments and hormones that are necessary for life. Involved in drawing up the defense bodies that protect us against infectious diseases. Protein is therefore essential greatness of the human body and the lack of protein in the diet is bitter revenge.
Lack of protein is seen repeatedly with external signs that we see as shortcomings: growth retardation, lack of blood, resulting in pallor, poor development of the muscular parts of the body. Also hindered the operation of digestion, occurring menstrual irregularity, don t look under the bed forgetfulness, apathy, rapid exhaustion, decrease in sexual drive, and the like. Also, some diseases are related to the shortage don t look under the bed of protein. don t look under the bed
Our body is not able to constitute a protein and, thus, they must be fed with food, and in the precisely measured quantities. Also needs a grown man about 70 grams of protein per day. Children, of course, less, pregnant and lactating don t look under the bed women is more. However, the excessive intake of protein would not achieve much success and would also be pointless, because the excess don t look under the bed protein is not engaged in the construction of the organism, but the latter uses an internal combustion. Food, which could make enough protein daily requirements should normally have in yourself 15 to 20 percent protein. There are so many ingredients in its composition having cow's milk. The so-called protein numbers tell us how much protein the body can adopt from hundreds of parts of protein food. Thus, for example, have. egg protein number 94, gjvedina 67, 57 cheese, wheat gluten 43 (starch itself is not a protein), don t look under the bed etc..
Proteins are very complex in composition. They typically contain, in addition to oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and also often have phosphorus, and sulfur. The protein consists of about thirty amino acid, of which the body is an emergency only eight. Br'ez these bodies can not be. Teaminske acids are: valine, isoleucine, tireoin, phenylamine, methionine, lysine and triptogan. Very many of these substances in plants.
Since the protein component of cells either animal or vegetable origin, are thus all in the food. The best-known sources of protein are eggs, lean meat, fish, milk, mushrooms, various vegetable fats, various grains, don t look under the bed fruits (hazelnuts, walnuts, legumes: beans, peas, soybeans, lentils) etc..
If we know the importance of protein in the diet, we are often more clear and understandable instructions of your doctor, for example. in the diet, which should be between proteins and fats required ratio. It will be understood, therefore, why prebolevnikom don t look under the bed recommended by doctors, patients, old people enjoying lean meat like. poultry, meat, rabbit meat, horse meat, just because they need more proteins involved in restoring, rather than fat, which in this nothing is not involved.
Carbohydrates, various sugars, the basic material in the construction of the plant. Carbohydrates are almost all the plant cells may be in the form of soluble sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose). Much of carbohydrates in the cell is also in the form of difficult-soluble substances. These substances are, for example. starch, inulin, cellulose, hemicellulose. Starch don t look under the bed represents the plant stock, don t look under the bed but young plants don t look under the bed use for food first. Most of starch in seeds, fruits, roots, rhizomes and tubers. A large part of our food is a composite of starch in

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