Last week the weather was not that great. Not that I was disappointed mainly because the bridges had happened during the holidays, namely: holiday office! I'm not a woman of the house and by that I mean I do not love to make order of the cleaning and continuous, but I have several "housewives psychosis": I love, but really, do the work "big" type thoroughly clean the kitchen, emptying all, and I mean everyone, cabinets and drawers. I love the changing of the closets that settle with sweaters, shirts and dresses hanging in the shade of color ... Another thing that I really like to do is fix ... "my stuff" that is all that interests me and accumulation in the course of days, months, years, especially newspaper clippings relating to such topics cuisine, design, fashion, ... Basically they are not ordered, things build up, forming "blocks" here and there in the house but there comes a time when I feel the need to fix a little 'everything. And that's what I did complicit in these beautiful boxes that I, uh, stole it. Let me explain pot rack it: months ago, I was doing a nice evening around downtown in the city with my friends, when I saw in front of a clothing store these boxes. There are boxes for shirts that obviously had put out the order to throw them. Me and the damsels of the group we had stopped and we had "analyzed". Perfect size (the A4 there are), with the possibility of discrete height impilarne a tot without being annoying, color vo does not know, an intense pink powder in different nuances. What to do? We looked ... and there are the uniforms: there were three of us and in practice we proceeded to dispose of these ... "waste"! I confess that I have not "exploited" right away ... but to do these things, it takes moments "right", I know you understand me! And what do I put in these boxes??
In this sample I put the card. A legacy of "professional deformation" (with the paper work there) that I carry at home where I can, however, pot rack have more fun. There palette colors in which I lose myself. Types textures and original touch.
DESIGN In another box I put ideas stolen pot rack from magazines (numerose!!) You purchase on the topic: design, lifestyle, household items, articles of superstars and creative, especially in northern Europe ...
MISCELLANEOUS finally a generic box of "miscellaneous" where I have collected all the images, the articles that I could not "catalog" in the other ... a sort of "like" feisbucchiano, a little 'generic but which has the Its because ... In the end I was very satisfied with my work because often, these "collected" the "flip pot rack through" just like browsing through a newspaper and every time I find something more! An idea, a color, a recipe, a photo that I had overlooked or that I look with new eyes ... Every time I open one of these boxes opens up a world that I transcribe in my moleskine notebooks, which I keep all beautiful in row in my mini library in the bedroom, along with ... But that's another story and sooner or later I will tell you this also my other obsession ... I tell you only that, long ago, during my "period new age, "I had taken a course in fengh shui, a kind of" art "Chinese applied to the area where you live, where, position, orientation, shape, types of objects, determining environmental harmony with ourselves. Not being by nature un'integralista, I never fully married to this theory, but the fengh shui has affected pot rack not just my concept of order and cleanliness in my house ... and these beautiful pot rack pink powder boxes are part of it!
You'd steal the box By Me, and we'd make a pretty picture to hang in my kitchen Roby ... but you know that I also have a thing for boxes? I used those known brands that are beautiful and it is a sin to use them only for storing bags: D to put into ribbons, washi tape, paper, textiles short, all the things that I love you ... big hug and best wishes sweet mom. Reply Delete
:-) Since they are not ordered, pot rack collect the things in the boxes gives me a sense of cleanliness of the space. then the boxes ... I love the thought that even in the closet I used emblazoned boxes (of course!! ha ha ha) to put in more of everything ... a big hug to you! Delete
Happy Birthday roby and this is one of those very interesting articles I will use 'the idea of the box for the collection of recipes I have not seen too many newspapers except for one recipe that's it carves out and put in the box. drawings that is fantastic good evening roby Delete Reply
Happy Birthday roby and this is one of those very interesting articles I will use 'the idea of the box for the collection of recipes I have not seen too many newspapers except for one recipe that's it carves out and put in the box. que
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