On Thursday April 10th at 18:00 will be the presentation of the initiative Pantry Memories in the Convent of Capuchins. As already done in other municipalities of the Sierra de Cadiz, will be held the book launch Pantry Memories, Golden Irene and Miguel Herrera, in which the ancient recipe of the people of our region recovers. Also planned is teaching a workshop and a workshop vt email gourmet wine tasting in the province of Cadiz. According to organizers, "Memories Pantry is a collaborative project: the original idea came from the delegation of Culture of the City of Algodonales and chef Miguel Herrera, and has matured with contributions from individuals and institutions, technical culture, tourism and active aging programs. The Guadalinfo network, the municipalities of the Sierra de Cádiz, restaurateurs and food producers are also involved in the formation of the Pantry Memories. It is conceived as an initiative to recover the culinary heritage of the Sierra de Cádiz. With this return to the old recipes, a basic part of the cultural heritage of the region, council also intends to create vt email a new attraction, stable and durable product that is not subject to seasonality, which limits vt email the growth of the sector. " The project is partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
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The Museum Project Ubrique Skin is a fundamental pillar in the economic and cultural development vt email of our town. It is located in the former Convent of Capuchins. Funds compose Ubrique leather related objects from different sources: both machines and tools and parts manufactured in Ubrique vt email throughout its history. The museum discourse is building on real objects and phenomena as well as the hard data of the requested documentation and provided by our elders. The idea for the museum was Maribel Lobato, soul and driving force behind this project. After passing through a course of urban ecology, found that part of the leather industry wastes discarded objects were members Ubrique history. For twelve years, Maribel has collected materials on their own and through donations from companies in the leather goods sector. The museum was the exhibition and Magic Hands Skin, which has had great success after several editions, in and out of Ubrique. At last, in 2008, the project Paco Solano, the sector experienced worker brings his extensive theoretical and practical knowledge, complementing Maribel current museum management is incorporated. The initial collection grows with various acquisitions and donations of numerous sensitive to the museum project, whom we thank for their ongoing generosity citizens. Our best encouragement is to bring citizens into the world of skin, so that in our discussion transmit emotion and feelings that motivate vt email the user to ask questions, which try to solve. Our visitors will interact with the reality that we will provide you with the opportunity to discover things. This is the great advantage of working with real objects, and in saying this we mean machinery, tools and pieces of real leather, confirming their origin, quality and authenticity of its creation. vt email In short, if we were to define this sample in two words, those would be BODY AND SOUL. WELCOME TO THE ROOTS OF OUR PEOPLE "PETACAS UBRIQUE OF" MORE
Leather Museum Ubrique (Cádiz) Capuchin Convent. Avenida Herrera vt email Oria s / n Telephone: (+34) 956 461 290, ext. 6 HOURS AND RATES Group visits, arranged in advance at 956 922 980 ext. June
Cyclist Association Hall Ubrique Ubrique Smoke Column TADMODA Course 2012 Newspaper Ubrique People Speak Ubrique Ubrique inhabitants speaks Ubrique Internet Blogs - The blogging community Ubrique Sierra Four Corners Noon Alleys Hair and Hope Manuel vt email Izquierdo. Memoirs of a Movex ubrique clueless - Technological Center Market Movex Explorer Skin Health Observatory Specialists NOW !!! Papers of History Painters Peña Sevillista Ubrique Ubrique Real Leather Studio Sierra de Cádiz Yes to Art History Story Time Stamping Juan Manuel vt email Román García Technical Assistant in Fashion Design 2011-2012 Ubrike - Blog Spanish fashion leather goods Ubrique Fashion books Ubrique Ubrique Natural Ubrique.tv
By Alejandro Pérez Ordóñez. On sale in the Museum of the Fur, in http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/alejandroperez in Portico vt email Libraries (http://www.porticolibrerias.es/) and Libreri
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