You know, maybe I have not in god knows what kind of relationship. We have one respect from a distance - I do not touch her, nor she me especially. I love to people-women see some harmony in colors (or what I think is a harmony), the materials are natural and that it costs nothing too. The logical sequence of this attitude was the amazement and often disdain for fashion, fashion industry and the people who deal with it. When I hear that a fashion designer, somehow I immediately neatly lean and dreamy, and what they do gobbledegook.
And so I see that you raised eyebrows mode with 'high, when I came across "Closet" and "Wardrobe" as a gallery. You look handmade purses and jewelry, and pieces of clothing (!) So that I can see this, and yet what, so what are the things boots (DKNY, and I heard of it) and see this as a jacket that is tailored for the Voyager ...
I was pregnant, my great shame yourself. Gather quickly, make a disinterested face as an interested in this case to keep second-hand, and peripherally When we look at the clerk. Must be a "doctor of science" safe. Now we will get to eat the eggs of haute couture and masthevovima and that which I will then transversely to look at her and happily get out of the "closet" because I was right and preserve neatly their prejudices.
When it ... nothing. For a fine lass, does not matter, no makeup (or me so much that I took off and her makeup), neatly normal story, even somehow genuinely smiling ... everything. Do not change?
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