Saturday, March 29, 2014

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PHOTO: Jon-Michael Josefsen
PHOTO: Photographer Carsten Muller 'Glass Ceiling' containerstore killed in Aftenposten 3 January. The reason why there are few women in management is that women do not want, that they lack the "killer instinct", or that they have chosen the wrong man. Work is hereby declared fit. The problem is with the women and the family.
The social containerstore rules can not be taken for granted. This is precisely where opportunities exist to create change, not least for those who want to recruit talent. It is about opportunity structures, and it is about creating a workplace that motivates and not limiting, both women and men.
There is no longer a "glass ceiling" that keeps women back from leadership positions, says researcher. "Glass ceiling" has been a widely used metaphor for the invisible barriers that make it difficult for women to reach the top. NHO Kristin Skogen Lund claims that it is a myth that there is such obstacles for women in the Norwegian sector or that stricter and stricter containerstore requirements for women who want a career. The attitudes of career women are motivated according to her changed positively over the last few decades. She has enough right in. But what happens in the workplace is about more than this.
Aftenposten definitive sacrifice containerstore of the "glass ceiling" is based on an inventory of the women in the control and management in the Norwegian and Nordic companies. The figures show a growing number of women in such positions.
The proportion of women on the boards of the 125 largest companies has increased from 22 to 33 percent from 2004 to 2013. Funnily enough it does not mention that in the same period, implemented a law requiring at least 40 percent of each gender on the boards of public limited containerstore companies and state-owned companies. containerstore
The dramatic increase in the proportion of women in these companies pull up the average considerably. From 2002 until today, namely the proportion containerstore of women in public joint controls increased from 6 to 40 percent. But this is explained by the quota law, and not necessarily changing attitudes or glass roofs death. Moreover, based Aftenposten angle about progress on numbers of corporate managements where there is at least one woman. No one can say that one woman per management team is an ambitious goal.
Last year we conducted at the Institute for Social Research, an update of Maktutredningens leadership survey from 2001. We wanted to find out what had happened containerstore during the last decade with equality developments in various senior management layer in the Norwegian containerstore society. The figures compare the distribution of the some 2,000 top positions containerstore in 10 key sectors in Norway.
NHO chief Kristin Skogen Lund think the lack of women leaders in business is all about women themselves. Also, this study shows a positive trend: Overall, the proportion of women in top positions increased from 17 to 25 percent. containerstore But there are big differences containerstore between the sectors. Most women have increased in management, science and the church, and these sectors would therefore go up the incision. On three of the most male-dominated areas - media, business and the military - it goes slow. In business, the proportion of women increased from 6 to 13 percent. The proportion of women at the top of the Norwegian industry has undoubtedly increased over the past decade. The opposite would be most alarming. Meanwhile, the business one of the areas where development is going slowly.
What is the basis for concluding that it is primarily "something" with women? Whether this "something" is that they are not willing to do what it takes, that they experience conflict between family and work as inhibitory or they have chosen a man they lose

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