Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It must be recognized that the use of false identities or pseudonyms reign in East Timor during the

Hatene gladiator garage Ita Nia Konstituisaun. Hatene ita nia Direitu, Dever, Liberdade, no Garantia fudamental sira . Dom Alberto Ricardo da Silva Deskansa ho Paz Safe iha Maromak sorin kwana nia. Ami nia harohan! Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao In East Timor, the Beat Goes On MP José de Oliveira Isenção jornalística Política e pressão Ramos Horta, Línguas maternas em Timor-Leste gladiator garage Devem opcionais ser ..
Coward. This would be a very appropriate word to be pinned to the people who dare can bark like a dog at night, and hide like rats in broad daylight. There are also other matches to the user of social media with pseudonyms or false identities. Psychic pain, hypocritical, and can position them as people who do not bertanggunggjawab, throwing stones to hide tanggan. Perhaps there are many other predicates that can be given to them.
An expression gladiator garage of will displeasure, dissatisfaction when looking at the social media, especially Facebook user in East Timor, which is like using a false identity for the catapult, upload and update the status in the form of criticism, and the responses to the opinion of unscrupulous and unethical. Sometimes the result is invited to upload the phantom less profanity reaction from readers. Even sometimes expressed words of slander, slovenly, blasphemy regardless of social status gladiator garage of people they were talking. People who have a typical gladiator garage coward works only attack people without arguments and sharp solutions. This action is the behavior of people who are only able to hide in the closet.
It must be recognized that the use of false identities or pseudonyms reign in East Timor during the struggle against gladiator garage colonial Indonesia. At that time both the guerrillas and the clandestine or underground network groups in East Timor using a pseudonym only one reason that is not recognized by the Indonesian army when it was everywhere. With the false identity, to facilitate the delivery of information from the guerrillas to the clandestine and the people or vice versa. In addition, with this pseudonym, will complicate the military and their allies in the track where the fighters. During the struggle, a false identity is often used to trick the military and to track and monitor the activities of the target. With one reason, in order to support the Indonesian government civilian and military either did not know the plan is done by insurgents and clandestine in order to achieve independence.
During the struggle of the people with false identity can be counted on the fingers, because at that time, the user pseudonym is the belief gladiator garage of the guerrillas and clandestine gladiator garage groups. gladiator garage They inflate important task, the task state. They can be assigned as a carrier of information or news search of important people who are targeted. They also perform gladiator garage duties as intelligence in various camps and community groups.
In the book "By Way of Deception" by Victor Ostrovsky, describes the use of a pseudonym by the intelligence in cyberspace. In the book states that the intelligence using a false identity for the purpose of monitoring the behavior of people who become their target. In addition to monitoring the flow of information to and from the targeted figures it. For example, political figures. This action is a duty of the State, in order to maintain the confidentiality and security and estabilitas State. The intelligence will not waste time to stalk people who are not interested, except those that have close relations with the figures become their target.
The very opposite happened, when East Timor has gained independence. Because, when all the people in East Timor have been free from the pressure of the authoritarian New Order government of Indonesia, it has now become rampant false identity in social media, especially Facebook. Are they afraid to be unmasked unmasked? Or will receive intimidation, if the criticism they read by people they critique? If so, do not criticize or menguplaod opinions or ideas are not bertanggunggjawab and unethical, without sharp argument. With a false identity, these people will not help those who criticized or condemned, but will add to the anger of people, so it can bring resentment and conflict. Even criticism, opinions or arguments of stealth is very positive and beneficial life bersosial, nation and state, but this will only be in vain, because it has no effect at all. Because people will not pay attention to ideas, opinions, criticism or insults of those who they consider to be a coward.
There are several reasons, which may be used by the user of social media to falsify their identity. First, curry

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