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The provisions of the Data Retention Directive will strengthen efforts to combat crime in Norway. Critics have weighty arguments.
Currently debatable whether Norway should implement the EU Data Retention Directive. The directive requires telecom providers to store information about time, place, duration, sender and receiver for all telephony and internet use so-called traffic data for a period from 6 to 24 months. The purpose is to ensure that such data are available for the investigation of serious crime, as some countries define dette.Lagring of traffic was adopted in several EU countries already before the EU directive came in 2006. For example, Denmark adopted in 2002 a saving obligation of one year. The Directive will ensure that countries rules in this area does not become too divergent. Not monitoring. Based on various posts in the Norwegian debate may be needed to determine what data storage directive wicker laundry basket is not about. Among other things, no way to save the contents of the communication. There is also no way to record what websites you visit. Storing the bales to the police or another government wicker laundry basket agency, but with telecommunications providers and then only as non-readable raw data. There is also no basis for claiming that those who use telecommunications services, will be subject to monitoring, in any reasonable sense of the term. Excessive criticism. The debate has also met the argument that the storage of traffic means that everyone is treated like criminals. But in that case considered we all like criminals in many contexts. In a modern society collects electronic tracking wicker laundry basket about us in a variety of places, such as in financial wicker laundry basket institutions that manage our bank accounts, businesses that store customer records or bum companies that register our passes. The handling of personal data is a part of life in any modern business. Small enlightening rhetoric. Director of Inspectorate, Georg Apes, is a staunch opponent of implementing the Directive in Norway. He believes directive expresses what he calls "totalitarian fanaticism". This is perhaps elegant rhetoric, but is well otherwise little opplysende.Det is also little reason to argue, so Privacy Commission does, that implementing the directive could hinder citizens of their freedom to gather, express themselves and seek information. Norway has strong democratic traditions and civic freedoms is strong. There is little reason to believe that an obligation to store traffic will have any great impact on citizens' confidence. Storage happening today. Storing traffic data occurs extensively today. Among other telephone wicker laundry basket providers need this to bill customers for the use of services. Thus also the police have been able to gain access to such data by prescribed procedures wicker laundry basket for use in the investigation of criminal offenses. According to the Law on electronic communications will such data be deleted as soon as they are no longer required wicker laundry basket for communications or billing purposes. A plain duty also follows the Personal Data Act. After the Data Inspectorate wicker laundry basket licensing practice, the data is deleted after three to five months. But in practice, wicker laundry basket the storage for longer periods than this, so the police when the conditions are present, have been able to obtain traffic data also older than five months. In the future it may be that it will be free to call or telecom providers will bill for access to a service, do not use, so that they would not have needed saving. If it does not introduce a storage obligation for traffic, will increase the chance wicker laundry basket that the data is deleted when the po
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