I just watched footage container store coupon of debate among others container store coupon Mamma Dame blogger Kari Anne Gamkinn from NRK news go tonight. She is currently out of the book "Sorry, I have to be my mom," I'm looking forward to acquire as soon as I have come through a bit of bokhaugen from previous Norgestur. Here you can read what Tanum writes about the release:
"Kari Anne Gamkinn, known from the blog mammadamen.com, tells in this book about everyday life with her husband and two small children. As a marketer with a job-paced everyday marked Gamkinn suddenly time pressures on the body. She sat at work meetings with bursting milk in the breasts and longed for her son, who started kindergarten. In the end, she resigned and started his own company, so that she can control time. What actually happens to women when they become moms? How is that being a mom today? What is the most important, is the coffee cup with your colleague or the small child hands around your throat? Here's honest and thought-provoking stories about jobbliv and everyday life, generational container store coupon differences, sick children and sour bosses, the constant feeling guilty for something or someone and feel of an inept mother. Everyone talks about the need to enjoy toddler time, but how do you do that? Here you will get honest and unvarnished stories from today's family life, one mom's thoughts and experiences and the importance of living here and now. "
When it comes to the debate on TV last night, it was especially one point I hung me up, and it acted - not surprisingly perhaps container store coupon - about immigrant women and their so-called lack of integration because of this benefit. This blog post will not be about either for or against container store coupon arguments in terms of cash support, but it will be about the extent to which it inhibits the integration of immigrant women.
One of the debaters, Mari Teigen, from the Institute for Social Research, argues namely that cash benefits container store coupon reduces container store coupon immigrant women's labor force participation. And ergo integration. But does it really? I want proof that cash benefits inhibit the integration container store coupon of immigrant women. Not anecdotal. container store coupon Not statements like: "Too many immigrant families receiving cash benefits and very few immigrant women are in work - ergo inhibits cash support integration." Here we end up with a discussion of what came first, the chicken or the egg. I am in fact concerned about immigrant woman would get a job at all, even though no cash benefit had been there.
In my opinion adds the kind of argument a veil over the real challenges in terms of integration, namely that there is a one-way process. Integrating such as immigrant women requires that employers provide these women work. And once when research shows that if you have a foreign-sounding name, decreases your chances of being invited for interview by 25 percent, container store coupon we can quickly spot a part of the problem. We can for example read the following on nrk.no: container store coupon
The likelihood of being called in for a job interview is reduced on average by about 25 percent if the applicant has a foreign sounding name, compared to identically qualified applicants with majority background, the report said. "
"SSB defines the immigrant population as people who either have immigrated to Norway or born in Norway of two foreign-born parents, but Norwegian media have created an entirely different definition and image of immigrants. Anthropologist Marianne Gullestad says that the word "immigrant" - although there is a public definition - in practice implicitly refers to people who are perceived as visibly different and which belong to a kind of lower class people or subclass. Dark skin, accent, strange name and religious affiliation outside the Norwegian Church are some key signs of being an immigrant.
In addition container store coupon to this implicit definition we have immigrant women got some other characteristics via media such pitiful, illiterate, oppressed and poorly integrated. All these stigmatizing media constructed images have helped to demonize us immigrant container store coupon women and harm our reputation among most people. Many who do not have any contact with immigrant women can easily believe these stereotypes, container store coupon without finding the truth through their own experience. "
Although it has not succeeded in getting any of the jobs I've applied for. Now I do not live in a country that offers cash, but despite 500 hours of language courses and then some, and practicing French at home, since it's my husband's native language, so I got time and again the message that I need to master the language better. But I did not know what more I could do to become more fluent in the language than to start and work in a workplace with only French-speaking colleagues. At one point I ran out of ideas simply. For me it was a job that needed to get over the last hump language. But that chance nobody was willing to give me. And it belongs to s
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