Saturday, April 5, 2014

Now inner conflicts are managed through action, you risk one naughty behavior often regret afterwar

Some would argue that what makes us human is our ability to inhibit impulses. In the prefrontal la sommeliere cortex, there are mechanisms that delay impulses. Instead of acting directly on a sudden impulse, we connect thoughts la sommeliere and reflections between impulse and action. We simply have a very unique ability to consider our actions and activities. For us to be able to connect into the reflective consciousness, it requires that we tolerate, understand and recognize different emotions. Some feelings are so powerful that they put all the reflection capabilities of the operation, and some feelings are so unpleasant or unacceptable that they threaten our self-perception. In such cases, the psyche's own immune system that protects us against anxiety-provoking feelings and thoughts. In this article we will look at a defense la sommeliere mechanism called la sommeliere "acting out" or acting la sommeliere out. This means that the person handling the emotional conflicts, internal or external stressors, by acting without concern or regard for negative consequences. Before we examine this form of impulsivity, we shall give a brief summary of the various psychological defense la sommeliere strategies.
The psyche has its own immune system that protects us from inner conflicts and very unpleasant feelings. It is defined about 28 different defense mechanisms, and these are classified according la sommeliere to how adaptive (beneficial) or well functioning they are. Primitive defense means that the person handling their inner impulses and emotional conflicts through reflection and deliberation, whereupon they stay outside. One can be very angry, but not acknowledge this in relation to itself. Instead you are experiencing some ambient carry this anger, and thus often the individual's perception of reality is disturbed under the influence of primitive defenses. Neurotic defense is about the overwhelming inner conflicts displaced, which helps individuals in the particular situation, but often creates fertile ground for a kind of inner turmoil and possibly anxiety later. Mature defense called adaptive because it rarely goes beyond the individual or the individual's relationship la sommeliere to other people. When mature defense handled the unpleasant feelings with greater awareness and responsibility. This means that the individual is able to express or channel the emotional la sommeliere conflicts out in a constructive and often even constructive manner.
Acting out or "acting out" is a defense mechanism that fall under the category action defense. This defense level is characterized by the attempt to avoid the immediate experience of grief and inner pain by managing the internal or external stressors by action without consideration for the consequences, either for egendel, above others or socially. This occurs mostly in reaction to events in the person's close relationships, such as a boyfriend, authority figures, parents or friends. "Acting out" that defense is not synonymous with "bad behavior", although it often leads to socially destructive behavior. So-called "acting out behavior" or acting out, such as fights or increasing substance abuse, must have a direct relation to emotions or impulses that the person can not tolerate the fact that we can count it among the psychological defense mechanisms.
In the video below, I talk about mental health as the ability to place thoughts and understanding between la sommeliere impulse and action. When the distance between impulse and action becomes la sommeliere too narrow, it is likely that we act in ways that are not always favorable. It is also likely that our automated's reactions can lead us into unfortunate situations time and time again. When emotions are to act without filtered through our internal repertoire of self-awareness and reflection, we often end up in positions that prevent positive growth and development.
Now inner conflicts are managed through action, you risk one naughty behavior often regret afterwards. la sommeliere "Acting out" allows the individual la sommeliere removes or expressing emotion la sommeliere and impulses rather than to tolerate them and reflect on the painful situation la sommeliere that just gave occasion to these unpleasant feelings and impulses. So that we can talk about "acting out" as a defense, the following elements must be present:
First and foremost, the person has feelings, desires or impulses he or she is prevented from expressing adequately through language and communication. The experience of the original impulse results in a rapid increase in inner tension and anxiety. Then avoid attention on the inner discomfort and the person cancels la sommeliere any investigations to expose, reflect on or plan a strategy with a view to dealing with feeling or impulse at a "reasonable" way. This means that the feelings and impulses that consciousness turn away from, can not be handled through reflection and deliberation, which by "acting out" comes directly expressed in behavior without consideration.
Acting resulting in raw aggression, antisocial sex, uncritical la sommeliere to

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