1 CHERRY derives from Eastern Europe and are processed by the Romans. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C, containing iron, calcium, phosphorus, laundry hamper sulfur, magnesium, zinc and other oligominerals. It is also suitable for diabetics. Is a good drug for treatment of the organism, since it facilitates the excretion of metabolic and toxin residues, rheumatic and arthritic diseases, and gout and is a good laxative agent. It is recommended that a diet based on cherries or cherry juice for a few days. Against the tired skin applied to the face and neck cherry spread, old people's advice is also recommended Headache (applied crushed cherries directly to the forehead). We eat the most fresh fruit, for the more sensitive the recommended jams. Can be also used as a diuretic cherry stalks with inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. Prepare a decoction from one fist stalks into 1 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Drink 1 liter per day (if the stalks dry we have previously soaked for 12 hours in cold water).
Second Apricot already processed laundry hamper from antiquity. There are several types of them and they do not withstand the cold climate of Central Europe, growing mainly in the central and south western Europe. In addition, large amounts laundry hamper of vitamin A, apricot also contains vitamins B, C and PP. between the sugars is the most fructose and glucose, is also rich in mineral salts and trace elements. Ripe apricot is very nutritious, easy to digest. It helps against anemia, and reconstruction of tissues and nervous system and enhances immune ability. Fresh fruits work against diarrhea and closed, dry fruits have laxative effect, are recommended for light depression, particularly early physical and itelektualnih weaknesses. They are suitable for nervousness and insomnia, and poor appetite and recovery. Highly recommend the apricot in anemic children laundry hamper and those who have problems in growth and elderly people with osteoporosis. Apricot we always eat ripe or in the form of juice. For external applications Apricot juice tones the skin, especially in facial care. For the daily requirement of vitamin A, we can say that 100 g apricots that 45% of daily needs.
3 Hawthorn is an average laundry hamper of two to four meters tall shrub with thorny growths that have dolgopecljate, oval lobed leaves. It grows in the temperate zone to a height of about 1500 meters. It can be found at commons and forest laundry hamper clearings, along the way, and in the hedges. Flowering shoots containing flavonoids, laundry hamper amines, terpenic substances, histamine and tannins, fruits and much vitamin C, provitamin A, sugars, pectin, tannins, tartaric and citric acid, as well as some of glycosides. Gather flowering shoots and ripe fruits. Hawthorn regulates blood pressure and invigorates the function of the heart. It is recommended that - under medical supervision - for people with weakened heart muscle, irregular and too quickly in heart rate and the difficulty in me. Hawthorn also soothes and helps in nervous insomnia. Prepare an infusion of 1 teaspoon laundry hamper to a cup of boiling water, drink 2-3 times a day. You can take the drops and at 25-30 drops 2-3 times a day. 4.Značilnosti asparagus are also applicable to the type of ostrolistnega asparagus. Poznan was already ancient novel. First, they gathered as a wild plant, but later they also began to grow. It is only used root. It contains mannitol - asparagine, which is an amino acid and a large amount of potassium salt. It is an excellent diuretic - promotes the secretion of urine, also operates a soothing effect on heart function, helps with kidney problems, but is prohibited laundry hamper in inflammation of the kidneys. laundry hamper It can be used as a decoction: 50 g roots in 1 liter of water. Boil for 15 minutes and drink 3 cups a day before meals. Asparagus can also be obtained in syrup five plants together with lobodiko, fennel, parsley and others. This is highly appreciated preparation, which was used for centuries when they were not aware of modern diuretics. Today, you can also use ready-made tincture: 25-30 drops before meals. Young shoots (buds) is also used extensively in the diet: for omelets, risottos and other dishes. 5 Pine is a slender tree with a pyramidal crown, grows up to 50m high. The trunk cover red brown lub. The needles are round about commas. Spruce is monoecious, female flowers in inflorescences that develop into round, hanging cones. The mountain pine grows right up to the upper forest border. The main components of the resin and turpentine. Turpentine contains about 20% of the essential oil and 70% of the pure resin, and even bornilni acetate, limonene and others. From young tea buds are prepared to assist in coughs, catarrh and flu-like signs, in catarrh of the bladder and cleansing the blood. Good effect in the spring laundry hamper of fatigue when we lack vitamin C. It is best trpentinovo laundry hamper oil. This oil is irritating and if it is applied to intact skin's blood circulation gets better, but it can also cause inflammation and blisters. It is used in chronic muscle revnatizmu, inflammation of joints and tendons, and last but not least the edema caused by the deadlock that would wash away. It is also used for the inhalation, for the bath, which improves blood supply
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