The article seems to me incredibly biased and offensive to parents who at that time had not yet been convicted, that is not to blame. I do not like conspiracy i heart organizing theories, but it seems to me to be increasingly encouraged i heart organizing hujskaštvo and extreme passion in Slovenia.
For this article I have experienced the attack of relatives who do not distinguish between vegetarianism and even veganstvom i heart organizing and threats that I will sign up .... (but somewhere) if you think your kids to feed in their own way-but they do not know what is . And also I do not have children yet. And these are the people who work in health care. Not even what lower nurse that she can forgive, but graduates. That they should entrust their health.
Why would you have comments, if you say that this article already says a lot ... ubacio even at LNF-we ... read my words and concepts explained all the essential ... but if people are so stupid that they do not distinguish rabbit from hens (vegetarians than vegans), but when the plum ... in Germany and elsewhere there are even studies that speak very much in favor of vegetarianism ...
Sylvia Legend Forum t. Posts: 1822
I believe that mothers who are vegan very concerned if someone claims that they do not make enough nutrients child. I do not even know what the article is about and do not really have time to look. My opinion is that if a mother with her food nice functions, i heart organizing it occasionally to control and thus sees that her way of eating appropriate, therefore, to behave responsibly, after my child is not what you are missing. You say that during pregnancy and lactation take nutrients from the body of mothers i heart organizing and children is not deprived. If I were vegan, would prefer less often than went on further examinations during pregnancy and lactation, etc. However, the findings show that eating healthy (I had to have black and white, which otherwise I suppose ...). Others, however, if someone is eating too one-sided. But the injustice, right, of us who eat meat (although minimal, which otherwise I will now interpret because they happen to be still deciding ...), do not expose to eat too much candy Tolk, and white flour, and blah blah blah ... In short .... tolerance ... argumented ... speaking on the basis of the facts and verified i heart organizing data ... for each individual i heart organizing person has a right path.
If you, Last Minute, "Matra" that you intend to work for their beliefs, but know in advance that not everyone will agree with you, I think it is a responsibility on you yourself, in the sense that if you're in itself and the fact responsible , you will not be concerned about others. I hope that I also expressed that I do not hunt on words, because I wrote quickly, and I hope I made my point.
Thus, during pregnancy and while nursing i heart organizing a child receives nutrients through i heart organizing the mother's blood. What is gastrointestinal mother breaks down and goes into the blood or being absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and direct what the mother's body (eg liver) prepares and sends the blood comes through the blood to the placenta respectively. in the mammary gland. i heart organizing In the vegan diet can lack certain amino acids and vitamins, but not necessarily in plant foods are in fact all of the essential amino acids, it is only wise to choose a combination and quantity of food, but the problem i heart organizing is solved i heart organizing clean, even when you are breastfeeding and pregnancy increased need. As has already Sylvia wrote, if the mother is really healthy if you have a healthy attitude towards themselves and their diet (without obsession, which can blur the real picture of its actual condition and diet), then there is no reason to what the child missing, even if it is breast-feeding mother vegan. And it is not all medical staff to veganstvu, I had one fajno gynecologist that she herself was a vegetarian and vegetarian and vegan mothers advise something very similar, as described above, Sylvia (attention to food really contains everything the body needs, However, regular inspections) i heart organizing no problem i heart organizing did not work out of it. In fact, even in unbalanced eating meat may be missing something crucial importance for children's development (eg, folic acid, which is in the flesh is not at all, but in a dark vegetables).
I see it with us one other phenomenon - a glorification of breastfeeding. Some women breastfeeding also associated with good self-esteem moms that simply are not aware that their child only milk is no longer sufficient, and so the children can really after the sixth month (or earlier if the mother is no longer enough milk) are slowly becoming malnourished, and she still thinks he's Superman and children's OK, as you breastfeed but ten times a day, and therefore can not seriously hurt, as long as the baby, but overlooked or. underestimate the symptoms i heart organizing and wasting of the child. Top
between the first pregnancy I took food vegans
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