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An enterprise with foreign investment (FDI), "Bill-Ukraine" (Kyiv), part of the concern REWE Group (Germany), 17 October will open a supermarket in Kyiv, which will become the 29th object in the network tupperware katalog in the country.
According to the press service of the retailer, in addition to this shop on the street. Heroes of Dnepr, 2A, "Bill-Ukraine" by the end of the year plans to open two more retail outlets in Kiev - on ul.V.Lypkivskogo, 45 and ave. Science, tupperware katalog 5. The area of all these stores make up to one thousand square meters. As of today, the network brings together 28 Billa shopping facilities in Kiev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Dnipridzerzhinsk, Sumy, Nikopol, Kramatorsk, Mariupol, Zhitomir, Kremenchug and Kherson.
Information: PII "Bill-Ukraine" was created in 1998 by an Austrian tupperware katalog company Billa - a subsidiary tupperware katalog of the German concern REWE Group, which was founded in 1927 in Cologne. In Ukraine, the first supermarket Billa opened in February 2000 in Kiev. REWE Group is present in 13 countries and has more than 327 thousand employees. REWE Group sales in 2012 amounted to EUR49, 7 billion REWE International AG, a member of the REWE Group, is one of the leading Austrian companies in the segment of food products and pharmaceutical market. REWE International AG unites about 3.6 thousand stores and 76 thousand employees. The company's sales in 2012 amounted to EUR12, 75 billion REWE International tupperware katalog AG is represented by companies BILLA, Merkur, PENNY, BIPA and ADEG, as well as its own brands. In addition, the company is working on an Austrian tourist market, where it is composed of BILLA Reisen, JAHN REISEN, MERKUR IhrUrlaub and PENNY PACK'N'GO. In addition, REWE International AG operates in the supermarket segment in Italy and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, namely Bulgaria, Croatia, tupperware katalog Romania, Russia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Ukraine.
All materials posted on the "Companion-line" with the reference to "Interfax-Ukraine" can not be a reprint, copied or reproduced in any form without the express written consent of "Interfax-Ukraine".
Thailand, Ukraine transferred the first batch of production of new Ukrainian main battle tank (MBT) "stronghold" of five cars made at the facilities of state enterprise tupperware katalog "Malyshev Plant" (Kharkov) in the framework tupperware katalog of a prisoner in the 2011 contract.
The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (ACU) has allowed the Cypriot Togebi Holdings Limited to acquire the assets LLC "Turtess Travel" (Kiev), intended to implement the delivery of tourism services.
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