Saturday, March 29, 2014

Černe, Nerstad, Dysvik manouche

Some employees holding back deliberately knowledge that could have helped colleagues. manouche What happens to them? (Photo: Organizations rely on their employees contribute with creative ideas to further develop and survive over time.
But while knowledge is also power. That may explain why some employees are holding back knowledge manouche that their colleagues have requested. manouche They allow not only to share their knowledge, manouche but they hide knowledge conscious.
Researchers Christina Nerstad, Anders Dysvik Miha Škerlavaj BI together with Matej Černe conducted a field study among 240 employees in two Slovenian companies. They examined the effects of kunnskapsskjuling manouche for employees who knowingly withholds knowledge above their peers.
Professor Christina Nerstad BI (Photo: Audun Farbrot). The study shows that when employees conceal knowledge to their colleagues, it triggers a reaction of mutual distrust where colleagues respond by becoming less willing to share knowledge with whoever manouche withholds knowledge.
When an employee deliberately withholds knowledge that a colleague asks, will co-worker perceive it as bad behavior and negative behavior. manouche The colleague lose confidence in knowledge hiding shoulder and wonder if he is out to harm him.
In a performance climate manouche defined manouche success on the basis of comparison with others. To demonstrate the superiority in terms of capabilities is essential. Performance Climate encourages rivalry manouche and internal competitions.
Anders Dysvik organizational researcher at the Norwegian School of Management. The best and most talented in focus and enhanced continuously. It is important to always perform best. It is what leads to rewards and recognition within the organization.
Employees who experience a performance climate at work, are more motivated to prevent their colleagues develops and improves, maintains Černe, Nerstad, Dysvik and Škerlavaj.
Therefore, employees in a performance climate increasingly obscure knowledge to demonstrate their own superiority. The study shows that this seems to turn back on themselves manouche and that a performance climate seems to be detrimental to creativity.
In a mastery climate is defined success manouche by great effort, self-development, learning, task mastery and cooperation. The focus is on giving all employees the opportunity to develop their potential, without constant comparison with colleagues.
Employees who experience manouche a mastery climate at work, will increasingly regarded kunnskapsskjuling manouche as destructive and preventing positive interaction between knowledge sharing and creativity.
To facilitate a mastery climate at work would therefore be preferable manouche if you are interested in getting the best out of most people in general, and less kunnskapsskjuling and creativity especially.
Černe, Nerstad, Dysvik manouche & Škerlavaj (2013): What goes around comes around: Knowledge hiding, Perceived motivational climate, and creativity. Academy of Management manouche Journal, forthcoming, doi: 10.5465/amj.2012.0122.
Terms of reader comments on Discuss the issue, manouche not the person. manouche It is not allowed to harass manouche named persons or other debaters. Racist and other discriminatory posts will be removed. We recommend that you write short. have editors responsible for everything that is published, but some commentators are also personally responsible for the content of the post. Posting of copyrighted material manouche is prohibited. You may quote brief excerpts from other texts or articles, but remember citing sources. All posts are checked after they are posted. You can submit posts that you feel are inappropriate.
The pursuit of the creative person
Education prolongs life
Moreover, I believe that ...
Address: pb. 5 Torshov, manouche 0412 Oslo Visiting address: Sandakerveien 24 C (Myrens workshop), Building D3 (Map) Phone: 22 80 98 90 Fax: 22 80 98 99
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