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Hello Some of these beautiful blogs I read. I love Paula, all a girl as you say it. Besitooos! Removes Respon
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Hello beautiful, Moltes gràcies per comment! Em fa et Faces molta wishful that meua follower. Jo sóc of Valencia, propet estem Per lol my favorite Paula és, des em vaig learned of q q estava amb Bustamante (fa temps) will em please. A besete! placard Em jo tambe faig sguidora teua. Removes Respon
Dels alguns pads should comment ja coneixia els, the com of Paula Echevarría i that of Eugenia Silva ... dels res altres not know, but in prenc note! Ah ..., Tampoc no teu blog coneixia the l'i També me Hello! Petons. Removes Respon
Uis!! I really like some but you know what happens ... I did not buy as cheapie like us heh heh heh ... And not above A kiss will go through our blogs as you hee hee chipless Removes Respon
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Jo connect the nomes de Paula, els altres Haure donate-the one cop d'ull. I only know the de Paula, the other I'll have them take a look. Petonets. Bss. Removes Respon
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The truth esque to me like me, many people follow and very well tell their "little secrets" ;). I'll keep an eye has some of them, unaware of his role blogger. Removes Respon XOXO
Bon beautiful day! Gracies per passar-te i deixar the blog pel teu comentari. Jo et segueixo També ha! Em molta fa il lusio quan veig algú nou ... From totes les bloggers that month he m'agrada ... Paula és famoses of them going pretty sense of chanel anar ... etc ... You do not primeres coneixia them. Els hi faré a visit. Petons d'addicted! Removes Respon
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