Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mic the mic is abolished civilization acquisition of modern society raf camora according to the dic

Against whom and why educators are on strike? - Flashes
Mag. Pezdirju, journalists and Finance Reporter in fact, it is not clear why the strike educators. From their contributions is evident amazement and deliberate ignorance of the chapter on labor movement raf camora and the struggle for workers rights.
Even a hundred years ago, the workers fought in England (the cradle of democracy) for the right to vote (!) And across Europe for an eight-hour workday and a ban on child labor. And all these amenities democracy and the welfare state should be fought or were donated, when otherwise no longer work.
Educators and other public servants on strike against an employer. And why strike? Do not strike for better wages. Strike, because raf camora they are an employer wishes to reduce wages by 10-15% because they wish to reduce certain rights (compensation for commuting) and increase the norm and worsen working conditions. It is essentially a sentence of "old justice". This is a struggle for the preservation of already FIERCELY. raf camora
Mic the mic is abolished civilization acquisition of modern society raf camora according to the dictates of capital. Under the guise of saving is taking the acquired rights of labor and reduces the welfare state. Under the guise of fighting terrorism, the limits of human freedom. Obviously we go into a period of enlightened absolutism plutocracy. If we ignore the role of the Party, China is well on its way in this new world.
JU have the misfortune to their employer can not be ripped off ... otherwise they would not be on strike, but would be nice ba road due to the bankruptcy of the employer's Simple: money is not # 2 lojze on 18.04.2012 09:03
I do not support the strike because I work in the real sector, which was affected by the crisis and its price is paid. Within three years of the crisis in Slovenia lost their jobs around 120,000 delavecv in the real sector, half of them were on temporary work, which means that the country is losing inflows (taxes, fees) from many jobs, 60,000 workers landed in the status of unemployment , acquired raf camora rights and free. In the meantime, the public sector has thickened to 9,000 new employees. Taking these figures, I am appalled! In our country, about one third of all zapsolena in the public sector, two-thirds of the real. The wage bill is almost half / half. And not only that, while in the real sector to maintain jobs, many threads bonus not paid, the public sector is struggling to increase. Dude, wrong world. raf camora Do not talk about the dictates of capital, because they do not know what it is, after all, could also be called a capitalist. Here, the market is waiting for you. All these phrases about plutocracy, dictatorship, etc. but addresses its union leaders who have a better salary than the Prime Minister and Ministers. # 3 stricmarc on 18.04.2012 09:23
For myself I can say that I know what the real sector. 29 years manufactory 10 years of private enterprise, of which 2 years of prison and public works. Of course there is no money because the real sector is lagging behind since independence. We edited the company, due to a critical mass zbnanja and capital were able to enter the world of stand-alone projects, rather than as sub-contractors or subcontractors. That they do not have listed. On the ruins of these were created by private companies, who praised the performance, but have not reached a third of its predecessor. Menežerji take care of your ass, the money goes to the Financing transactions abroad, the elite standard. Companies remain responsible and development and technological neglected. And in a crisis can be seen bad shape even more. Fault for the poor state of the country is multi-layered and if we want to achieve in solving konzens, we need to address the complex and redistribute the load. Thus, while listening to "economists" who only require incentives, Duty, you can save your own standard. After all, the state-owned raf camora enterprises (or public) that share a good salary and bonuses, achieving such results raf camora through monopoly. However, they do not want to hear anything about what austerity raf camora program. Thus, it seems that the government wants to break the union (along the lines of the Iron Lady), so that will have several raf camora serious obstacles. In the first phase it is necessary to hammer a wedge between the social direction and real sectors. # 4 Darko on 18.04.2012 13:52
From the standpoint of Uncle Marc, in principle, I agree. When the schoolmaster raf camora is a legitimate form of struggle for the protection of acquired rights. Or are these rights relevant to the objective state of society, is another matter. Similarly, one could wonder about the property and other rights available to us citizens. These rights can be in times of crisis, subject to devaluation or re-evaluation. Utterly legitimate citizens question the acquired property tycoon. Upon the dissolution of feudalism, the feudal lords lost their feudal estates. At the Communist Revolution capitalists are losing factory. A few months ago there was a demonstration concerning the protection of intellectual property on the Internet. In this revolutionary raf camora time comes for the protection of various rights, including human rights. If educators times the right to strike, they fold the human rights. Including the right to wages, scope of work, commuting, holidays,

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